Thursday, October 13, 2011

Secret Agency

Secret Agency

Author's Note
This is a story that shows every step of a story. Introduction, Rising Action, Climax, Falling Action, and Resolution.

Alex Rider comes home from school with police cars, ambulance, and fire trucks. His nanny approaches him and tells him that his last relative (uncle) dies in a car accident. Alex goes to the junk yard and finds his car. The car had no damage except for four bullet holes by the driver’s seat.
Three of the junkyard people see him by the car and try to attack him. Alex found items around him to take down he three men trying to attack him. When Alex goes to his uncle's funeral and spots two suspicious men in black suits with glasses staring at him.
Alex thinks that he is getting kidnapped and gets taken to a large building. He finds out that his uncle was a secret spy guy he is shocked and mad at the same time that he never told him that. The MI6 is the agency that his uncle worked for wants to recruit him. Alex argues with them that he has no training. MI6 shows Alex the tape of the junkyard and spot out facts on what he did to take all three men out. Alex agrees to join the agency. He is sent to combat training. He survives and goes into service. His First mission was to save thousands of schools from exploding. The man who killed Alex's uncle is trying to blow up thousands of school around the world. He sends out thousands and thousands of computers filled with explosive gas.
Alex has to try to stop him from enabling the bombs inside the schools. He sky dives out of the plane and breaks through the glass roof. The bad guy is about to explode thousands of schools around the world but Alex has to make a quick decision and shoots him in the chest twice and saves millions of people around the world.
Alex saves millions of people, gets awarded with honor and gets to stay in London and live with his Nanny.

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