Friday, May 11, 2012

Human Cells vs Bacteria Cells

Human and bacteria cells are very much different and also very alike. Have you ever wondered differences and similarities of bacteria and human cells? If so here are some of those reasons.

Bacteria cells have very different organelles than a human cell. Although people only think of bacteria as a bad thing, it can be good for you. Bacteria cells are more protected than human cells because the cells have a cell wall which lets nothing come in. The bacteria cells reproduce very fast, almost every 20 seconds. (Pat, 2008) If you have harmful liquids such as oil in your body the bacteria will eat it up.

Some similarities between human cells and bacteria cells will be stated in this paragraph. Both cells could be helpful and harmful to your body. Both types of cells perform activities that people can’t do. For example cells can clean out the inside of your body unlike yourself. (Shriver, 2008)

Differences between the cells are that human cells can’t eat up bad materials like bacteria can. Another thing is that bacteria cells can’t defend of bad blood cells that can harm your body. (Shriver, 2008)

Human cells and bacteria cells have many things in common and also many differences. If you were to have all cells of either human or bacteria cells what would you choose based off the facts above. 

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