Friday, November 18, 2011

Stay Gold Ponyboy

Authors Note "I typed this response to tell you that the saying 'Stay Gold Ponyboy' is one of the themes of the book The Outsiders."
"Stay Gold, Ponyboy" those were Johnny’s final words to Ponyboy right before Johnny passed away. What is your opinion on that saying and what does that mean? I think that when he said that he meant to tell Ponyboy that he wants him to stay strong and not give up and go to the police.
Due to the loss of innocence in Johny the quote might have meant that since they haven’t been caught yet they can still see the sun. I believe that the sun is representing freedom because if you were locked up you wouldn't be able to see the sun and stay gold.
Ponyboy kept his innocence by staying golden but unfortunately Dall wasn't able to. Dally was so upset about Johnny passing away that he went crazy and didn’t know what to do with himself. Since he was depressed he had to take his feelings out on something. So he robbed a gas station and while doing that he was shot by the police.
 I think that quote meant a lot to the Greasers physically and mentally and they all had different feelings about it. The Greasers have lost some innocence but still have maintained a bit of innocence left in them.

           To finish the story about the quote “Stay Gold Ponyboy” was the biggest moment that happened in the book “The Outsiders”

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