Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Flickering Lights

Authors Note:  I am writing a prediction piece on the novel City of Ember and why I think that the prediction will come true.

People of Ember are trying desperately to find a way to fix the lights that keep the city bright so people can see where they are going. If nobody finds a way to fix them then the city will become utterly dark and people couldn’t see anything. Can Doon become a hero and fix the lights, or will the city go completely dark? 

In the book City of Ember people in Ember have no idea what is in the outside world. All they know is that light comes from light bulbs. They don’t know anything about rain, snow, or sun. The lights in Ember are slowly flickering off. Their only hope is to try to fix the lights. If they fail to fix the lights the city will be completely dark.  Can Doon become a hero, or will the city go completely dark?

I predict that once Doon isn't pipeworker the lights will go out for good because he is the only one who knows how to fix them. Also because the kids are the smart ones in the city. All of the adults aren't nearly as intelligent as the children. 

I predict this because Doon is the only one who knows the solution on how to fix the lights. This prediction would become true if he doesn’t tell anybody the secret to fix the lights. But it wouldn’t become true if he never told anybody how to fix them. I think he won't tell anybody because to start he is kind of a lonely, shy guy who keeps things to himself.

If you had a chance to fix things to make people happy would you take a chance and make an effort to help them, or would you take a chair and watch someone else try? The choice is yours.  Just remember how  things feel when you're getting the credit and how happy you feel, or when someone else gets the credit and you just feel like a pile of dirt on the sidewalk.

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