Tuesday, June 5, 2012

The Banana Poem

The Banana Poem:
By Brock Hohmann

The banana all yellow and mushy
When I eat it, it gets all squishy
I peel and peel, until it opens wide
Then I get a warm fuzzy feeling inside
It tastes very yummy
It feels good in my tummy
I eat you when you’re ripe
You make me very hype
I can eat bananas anywhere
Usually without a care
Oh banana you are great
You, I will ever hate
Bananas are my favorite fruit
I usually eat them in a suit
Because I’m going to a movie
I think I’ll make you into a smoothie
To carry you on the go
So I won’t miss the show

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Hardships and Rough Times


In the book “Monster” by Walter Dean Myers is an intriguing book about a boy who is struggling through life. There are many meaningful themes but the main theme is hardships. Have you ever been alone, nobody to help well that’s how Steve lives in the big city of New York

I believe this is the theme because in the book Steve quotes, “I have nobody to back me up.” Another reason is because when he sticks up for his friend the bully beats him up and the friend runs away. The final reason I believe that the theme is hardships is because Steve lives in poverty and has seen murders all over the place.  

This theme could relate to the book “The Outsiders”. It could relate to that because the Greasers’ also are outcasts and didn’t have anybody except for their selves. Another reason it could relate to that book is because in the book the Greasers’ are being chased by the police just like Steve does in the book “Monster”.

Finally the book “Monster” could easily relate to society. It relates to society because everyday people die and people get chased by police because they do bad stuff that they shouldn’t do. Another reason it could relate to society is because in the book Steve has to live in poverty and many people now a day’s live in poverty with everything going on in the economy.

In conclusion living in hardship is not a pretty lifestyle. Those are the main reasons I believe that hardship is the main theme in the book “Monster.” Don’t take life for granted, most of you have the good life and not living on the streets.

Friday, May 18, 2012

The Theme to The Short Story "Lottery".

“Lottery” Theme

            In the short story “The Lottery” by Shirley Jackson has some unique themes. Have you ever been in a situation where you are under pressure and know something bad is going to happen? Well if so here is an example of a bad situation that can’t be fixed.

            The main theme is Government Control. That is the theme because the government is forcing everybody in the village to participate in the lottery. Now this lottery isn’t the usual type of lottery it is much worse. If you select a piece of paper that has a black dot on it then you die.

            Another reason is because the government is forcing the women in the village to not be able to do things men can do. For example the only time the women can participate in the lottery is if the husband cannot go.

            The final reason of the theme is because in the village is that the mayor doesn’t have to participate in the lottery because the government doesn’t want to be killed by rocks. That is a very selfish move. I mean making people die and you don’t even pick! He has control over everything in the village.

            Those are the three main reasons that I believe the theme is Government control. If you end up in a situation that you know will have a bad result, try to make the best of it keep your head up high and be brave.  

Friday, May 11, 2012

Human Cells vs Bacteria Cells

Human and bacteria cells are very much different and also very alike. Have you ever wondered differences and similarities of bacteria and human cells? If so here are some of those reasons.

Bacteria cells have very different organelles than a human cell. Although people only think of bacteria as a bad thing, it can be good for you. Bacteria cells are more protected than human cells because the cells have a cell wall which lets nothing come in. The bacteria cells reproduce very fast, almost every 20 seconds. (Pat, 2008) If you have harmful liquids such as oil in your body the bacteria will eat it up.

Some similarities between human cells and bacteria cells will be stated in this paragraph. Both cells could be helpful and harmful to your body. Both types of cells perform activities that people can’t do. For example cells can clean out the inside of your body unlike yourself. (Shriver, 2008)

Differences between the cells are that human cells can’t eat up bad materials like bacteria can. Another thing is that bacteria cells can’t defend of bad blood cells that can harm your body. (Shriver, 2008)

Human cells and bacteria cells have many things in common and also many differences. If you were to have all cells of either human or bacteria cells what would you choose based off the facts above. 

Too Bad To Believe

In the book Trapped five kids get trapped in a school during a record high snow storm. They are cold, hungry, and scared. Friendships are slowly fading away due to disagreements. They are having trouble getting out of the school, and none of their phones are working and all the power has gone out. How will they get through all these hardships?

Big Disappointment

            Dear Middle School Staff,
             I recently got the email informing us that we are not going to Six Flags. In my opinion I believe you cannot get us riled up in the beginning school year saying how we need to get good grades so we can participate in the end of the year field trip. Have you teachers as kids ever wanted something that you wanted very bad and didn’t get it? Well the 8th grade class feels like that right now.
             Our school has been going to six flag for 14 years, so you cannot just take it away from our grade year. I realize some families can’t afford it but talking from a PTO Veteran’s kid, I understand PTO pays for it for you.
            Getting that email was a stab in the heart because it always seemed like a blast going to six flags, having a great time with your class, getting rewarded for your hard work throughout grade school. Honestly every year you get to do something fun like in seventh grade we went to a movie, and in sixth grade we went to Chicago, but this year we get a hypnotist?
             Yes, some children might find that fun, but a lot of my friends and I find that very unsafe. I thought that is what our school is all about, safety. I’m pretty sure no parent in our school, would allow their child to be hypnotized, knowing that their child might say things in front of the whole 8th grade they might regret. Now I’m not saying Six Flags is the safest place, but it is so much more fun, because everyone gets to have fun, not just a couple kids. Please take this letter into consideration. 
            Next time you make a decision that kids might get upset by, remember this letter and try not to get another. I bet you didn’t like it when you wanted something very badly and you didn’t get it. That’s how we feel.


Somebody Who Cares

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

LIfe Changing Experience

Author’s Note: I am writing this prediction piece to predict what will happen next in the book Trapped.

In the book Trapped by Michael Northrop is an exciting book that you don’t want to stop reading. Have you ever been in a situation where you have to make a risky move to save someone you care about? Did you keep yourself safe, or did you try to save someone and put yourself in danger for them?

In the book Trapped by Michael Northrop the main character Scotty Weems and four of his friends get trapped inside their school in a record high snow storm. The kids are stuck with no heat, no food, and no extra clothes. Scotty’s best friend Pete has been sick and tired of being inside his school for four days, so he takes the electric sled he and Scotty have been working on in shop class out into the snow. About 100 yards away from the school the sled tips over and Pete is stuck under. The last part that I read in the book Trapped is when Scotty starts walking out to try to save Pete.

Therefore Scotty is putting himself in danger to help Pete. I predict that Scotty will flip the sled over and help Pete and himself back to safety. One reason I think that this will happen is because before this scene Scotty said, “Pete, I won’t l let you die alone if you risk your life I will risk mine.” So that makes me believe that they will o back into the school alive, but very cold.

Even that quote may convince some people, but I have another reason why I believe this prediction is true. When Scotty recited that that phrase I pictured him with confidence and fearlessness to take a stand to help his friend find help. At that moment I stopped reading and thought what the chances were that Scotty could save Pete through the extreme conditions. The chances were pretty slim that they would make it but I didn’t think that Michael Northrop would make it a sad ending.

If you had a moment to save someone’s life but risking yours at the same time. Would you do the brave thing to save a life or would you choose plan two which is to keep yourself safe and let the other person suffer? This book may change your mind about doing that decision either in a bad way or a good way you choose.