Tuesday, April 17, 2012

LIfe Changing Experience

Author’s Note: I am writing this prediction piece to predict what will happen next in the book Trapped.

In the book Trapped by Michael Northrop is an exciting book that you don’t want to stop reading. Have you ever been in a situation where you have to make a risky move to save someone you care about? Did you keep yourself safe, or did you try to save someone and put yourself in danger for them?

In the book Trapped by Michael Northrop the main character Scotty Weems and four of his friends get trapped inside their school in a record high snow storm. The kids are stuck with no heat, no food, and no extra clothes. Scotty’s best friend Pete has been sick and tired of being inside his school for four days, so he takes the electric sled he and Scotty have been working on in shop class out into the snow. About 100 yards away from the school the sled tips over and Pete is stuck under. The last part that I read in the book Trapped is when Scotty starts walking out to try to save Pete.

Therefore Scotty is putting himself in danger to help Pete. I predict that Scotty will flip the sled over and help Pete and himself back to safety. One reason I think that this will happen is because before this scene Scotty said, “Pete, I won’t l let you die alone if you risk your life I will risk mine.” So that makes me believe that they will o back into the school alive, but very cold.

Even that quote may convince some people, but I have another reason why I believe this prediction is true. When Scotty recited that that phrase I pictured him with confidence and fearlessness to take a stand to help his friend find help. At that moment I stopped reading and thought what the chances were that Scotty could save Pete through the extreme conditions. The chances were pretty slim that they would make it but I didn’t think that Michael Northrop would make it a sad ending.

If you had a moment to save someone’s life but risking yours at the same time. Would you do the brave thing to save a life or would you choose plan two which is to keep yourself safe and let the other person suffer? This book may change your mind about doing that decision either in a bad way or a good way you choose.

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