Thursday, December 8, 2011

Point of View Response

Point of View
Authors Note: This informational response shows the point of view and how it can affect the book.

            In the book Jump Ship to Freedom the point of view is told by Daniel, a boy slave. Daniel is a slave whose dad drowned during the Revolutionary War. Now he is living with his mom. They are owned by the Ivers (their masters).
            Daniel and his mom think of the Ivers as rich, mean people who only care about money. They don’t care about Daniel and they just treat them like dirt. The Ivers only treat Daniel and his mom well if Daniel and his mom give them money. Otherwise the Ivers are mean people in Daniels view point. For example when Daniel started a minor house fire he made it seem like he had to do it so he could get Mrs. Ivers out of the house so he could snatch the notes.
            If the point of view was from Mrs. Iver she would say that all blacks are meant to be slaves and do everything so the white folks don’t have to. The Ivers would probably think of themselves as caring people that take care of blacks by letting them live with them.  They treat them poorly and abuse them even if they pay them money. Daniel can’t do anything about it. So the Ivers think of themselves as filthy rich, caring people who have hearts in the Ivers point of view. Like when the Ivers suspected Daniel of taking the soldier notes. The Ivers started abusing Daniel. The Ivers made Daniel take off his clothes so the Ivers can check Daniel’s pockets. The Ivers probably thought that they were being reasonable and not hurting Daniel for any reason.  When the Ivers found that Daniel didn’t have the tokens the Ivers let him go. In Daniels point of view, Daniel would have said that the Ivers were over reacting.
            This shows how the point of view can very well change the whole mindset of the book. It can be way different if it is written by another character in the book.

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