Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Text Structure Response

Change in Events
Authors Note: This response will show how the climax of the story will affect the main character. 

            In the beginning of the book Jump Ship to Freedom Daniel Arabus and his mother are slaves. Daniel’s father drowned during the Revolutionary War. While Daniel’s father was at war he earned soldiers notes which, if the government agrees that they are worth something, turn into money. The Arabus’ are living with the Ivers (their masters). The Ivers demanded the notes from the Arabus’ otherwise they couldn’t live with them. One day Daniel takes the notes back and goes on a boat to New York to try to get the notes turned into cash. The only bad part was that the boat was steered by Captain Ivers, his master, who he stole the notes from.
            This would be the climax because when Daniel is going on a boat in the middle of the ocean there is no turning back. Also if he gets the money it will be enough to buy his freedom. But it won’t be enough to buy his mom out of slavery and make her become free. So Daniel will have to get money somewhere somehow. 
            This climax changes Daniel by transforming him from a slave to a free boy. The event that caused the climax to happen was when Daniel felt brave enough to steal the soldiers notes and go cruising on a boat with the man who thinks that Daniel took the notes in the first place.



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